Food bloggers take on the Tomato Times challenge
14 Jun 2021
Who will put the most delicious and surprising tomato dish on the table? In collaboration with the Prominent brand, five food bloggers will take on this challenge online in the next few weeks. Their aim is to show consumers that tomatoes are versatile enough to eat any time of the day. At the kick-off of the Tomato Times Challenge on Tuesday 8 June, the participating bloggers received their vegetable box. Each box contained an individual assignment.
Who will put the most delicious and surprising tomato dish on the table? In collaboration with the Prominent brand, five food bloggers will take on this challenge online in the next few weeks. Their aim is to show consumers that tomatoes are versatile enough to eat any time of the day. At the kick-off of the Tomato Times Challenge on Tuesday 8 June, the participating bloggers received their vegetable box. Each box contained an individual assignment.
The Tomato Times Challenge is part of the Tomato Times campaign, with which Growers United's tomato brand mainly wants to encourage shoppers to eat a tomato at times that are unusual to them. Research by GFK shows that some people don't realise that they can eat tomatoes throughout the day. And that they simply lack inspiration sometimes.
Surprising tomato recipe
The food bloggers all received a different assignment at the kick-off. For example 'create a surprising tomato tapas dish' or 'come up with a tasty tomato dish for breakfast'. They will get cracking with these tasks in their own kitchen in the coming period and share the content on their website, Instagram, Pinterest or Facebook page. As a giveaway, they will also raffle two vegetable packages among their followers, with tomatoes and other sponsored products. In this way, the tomato brand Prominent wants to encourage even more people to eat tomatoes not only at lunch or dinner, but also more often as a healthy start or a snack.
Join our challenge
Together with its partners, Prominent is doing everything it can to encourage more consumers to enjoy different types of tomatoes more often, at various times throughout the day. Several important Prominent relations support this initiative so that the message can be shared even more widely. Partners of the Tomato Times Challenge include: De Ruiter | Bayer, BASF | Nunhems, Koppert Biological Systems, Van Iperen,, De Jong Verpakking, Lievaart Slaghuis, Royal Brinkman, Grodan, Love My Salad, Biobest, Saint-Gobain Cultilene, Powerhouse, Purple Pride, Green Diamonds, Sweet Point, PapriCo and Growers United.
Looking for inspiration?
Curious about the creations of De Hippe Vegetariër, FoodLies, The Lemon Kitchen, Heerlijke Happen and Luukskitchen? Follow the food bloggers on Instagram or Facebook.
Activate the shopper to consume tomatoes at unexpected moments
With breakfast, for example. Curious about the positive effects?