This is Bella
10 Apr 2018
I'm Bella, and I was raised in the city. My friends and I like to get together at my parents' café at the end of the day. We do this two or three times a week. It's always nice to share what we've been doing - or just to sit back and enjoy what's going on around us. It makes me feel happy.
'I'm Bella, and I was raised in the city. My friends and I like to get together at my parents' café at the end of the day. We do this two or three times a week. It's always nice to share what we've been doing - or just to sit back and enjoy what's going on around us. It makes me feel happy.'
Our sweet cherry and cherry plum vine tomatoes are exactly what Bella likes. For her, a special moment means enjoying a drink and a tasty snack with her friends on a terrace. Like Bella, every target group has its own lifestyle. Take Femke's generation, for example. Her life is all tied up with her family. And then there's Laurens who runs his own business... Each of them spends their day differently, and each of them has their own preferences when it comes to food.
Sharing insights
In the three videos we launched last month, we showed what these various consumers value. But it also showed how important it is to make the right tomato as attractive as possible for the right consumer. For us at Prominent, taking a peek into the daily lives of our most important target groups has generated many interesting insights and suggested many opportunities. The goal, of course, is to team up with our customers to improve the shopper's experience and optimise sales results.
Like to know more about Bella? Watch the video, and see what makes Bella happy.
Activate the shopper to consume tomatoes at unexpected moments
With breakfast, for example. Curious about the positive effects?